
Monday, December 7, 2015

Buzzard (2014)

Director: Joel Potrykus
Writer:    Joel Potrykus
Cast:       Joshua Burge, Joel Potrykus

Paranoia forces small-time scam artist Marty to flee his hometown and hide out in Detroit. With nothing but a pocketful of bogus checks, his power glove and a bad temper, the horror metal slacker lashes out.

Marty work as a temp in a bank and he is an expert in making small money by arbitraging various offers. First scene of the film shows him closing a checking account, withdrawing all his money, and immediately opening a new one to make use of the introductory offer of free $50. You can also see him returning things that he requisitioned from his office and making money off it. When his manager gives him a set of checks to find the addresses of their recipients, he cashes some of them by signing it on to his name. He flees when he finds out that it can be traced back to him and he is in a state of paranoia. He first hangs out with his work-friend, Derek, and later flees to Detroit.

The film is basically a character study on Marty and the plot is just incidental to it. It does get in under your skin and generates uncomfortable laughs since it can boil over to serial killer territory at any point of time. I was reminded of Todd Solondz films while watching it and you can certainly check it out if you are a fan of his work. The two main characters in it are certainly pathetic and unlikable but the proof that film works lie in the fact that you still care for the central character. There is one long sequence where Marty is having a plate of Spaghetti in his hotel bed and its excruciating to watch. That scene kind of sum up the film as it is a study on loneliness in a capitalistic setup.

Rating: 3.5/5

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